Two Dogs Running, by Robert Clatworthy - the turds from these bronze dogs are everywhere, mind where you step.
Green River Scene, a small slow stream wends its way through the solitary woods
Torso, by John Skelton
Lime Tree Avenue entering into the gardens
Palm Tree
Interlock, by Paul Mount
Coutts Bank Columns, Gibberd refurbished Coutts Bank and nicked these for his garden.
Coutts Bank Columns, Gibberd refurbished Coutts Bank and nicked these for his garden.
Bark Rubbing? in the park
Bathing in Marble
Queen Victoria, terracotta eyeless in essex
Film Snaps, the actress is just sorting out her shoe
Owl, by Antanas Brazdys it's a tricky shaving mirror
The Patron, Sir Fred
A Stone Sandwich
Lucinda, still stretching
Link to the garden's website: